Tuesday, October 27, 2009


As we all know, seasonality is based a lot on money inflows and automatic investments into stocks at the beginning of the month.  The only problem is, when investors are no longer putting money into equity funds, which is the case since 2008, does seasonality go away?  It should, which is part of the reason why I think we saw such severe weakness on the first 2 days of September and October. 

I don't think you can bank on seasonality as much as when equities were a favored asset class.  It probably applies more to bonds now than to equities.


Anonymous said...

How did mkt go up 60% in 6 months when investors didn't put in money into equity funds?

I think I'm covering at 1050.

MarketCynic said...

Fed gave free money to the banks and hedge funds went from short to long. At least 1/2 of that 60% was unwinding of the fear trade and short positions. The rest was Fed free money.